Best Volleyball Position for Short Players

Volleyball is a sport where height is often seen as an advantage. However, short players can excel and significantly contribute to their teams by leveraging their unique strengths in specific positions. This guide explores the best volleyball position for short players and provides insights on how to excel in these roles.

Why Height is Less Critical for Some Positions

While taller players may dominate the net, short players often possess agility, speed, and excellent ball control, making them invaluable in defensive and strategic roles. These attributes are crucial in positions like libero, setter, and defensive specialist.

1. Libero: The Defensive Dynamo

The libero is a specialized defensive player who plays exclusively in the back row. This position is ideal for short players due to several key reasons:

  • Agility and Speed: Liberos need to cover a large area of the court quickly, and shorter players often have the necessary quickness and coordination.
  • Low Center of Gravity: A lower center of gravity allows short players to stay close to the ground and react swiftly to low balls.
  • Defensive Skills: The primary responsibilities of a libero include receiving serves, digging spikes, and making accurate passes to setters. Height is not a crucial factor for these tasks.

Examples of Successful Liberos:

  • Farhad Zarif: Standing at 165 cm (5’5″), Zarif is one of the best liberos in the world, demonstrating that height is no barrier to success in this position.
  • Joella Marie de Jesus: At 152 cm (5’0″), de Jesus has excelled as a libero, showcasing exceptional defensive skills on the court​ (Volley Expert)​​ (Volleyball Vault)​.

2. Setter: The Strategic Playmaker

Setters are the playmakers of the volleyball team, responsible for setting up attacks by delivering precise sets to hitters. This position also suits shorter players for several reasons:

  • Quick Movements: Setters need to move swiftly around the court to position themselves for sets. Short players’ agility helps them perform these movements efficiently.
  • Hand-Eye Coordination: Excellent coordination is vital for accurate sets, and shorter players can excel in this area.
  • Strategic Thinking: Setters must read the game and make quick decisions, skills that are not dependent on height.

Notable Short Setters:

  • Matías Sánchez: At 173 cm (5’8″), Sánchez has had a successful career as a setter for the Argentina national team, proving that shorter players can excel in this role​ (Volleyball Vault)​​ (Volleyball Vantage)​.

3. Defensive Specialist

Defensive specialists are similar to liberos but have more flexibility in terms of court movement and rotations. They focus on defensive plays and ball control, making this position suitable for short players who are agile and have excellent reflexes.

Tips for Short Players to Excel in Volleyball

  1. Focus on Agility and Speed: Engage in drills that enhance quickness and reaction times. Exercises like ladder drills, sprints, and agility cones can be beneficial.
  2. Develop Strong Defensive Skills: Practice digging, passing, and receiving serves to become a reliable defensive player.
  3. Improve Vertical Jump: Although height isn’t as critical in the libero and defensive specialist roles, increasing your vertical jump can help you compete better at the net. Plyometric exercises like box jumps and squat jumps can help.
  4. Enhance Court Awareness: Being able to read the game and anticipate opponents’ moves is crucial. Watch game footage, learn to recognize patterns, and understand different playing strategies.


Height may be an advantage in some volleyball positions, but short players have their own set of strengths that can make them invaluable to their teams. By focusing on roles like libero, setter, and defensive specialist, and continuously improving their skills, shorter players can excel and play crucial roles in the game. With dedication and strategic training, height becomes just one of many factors contributing to success in volleyball.